How to Enjoy Our Cookies

Welcome to Tubby's Taste, where indulgence knows no bounds! We understand that sometimes you can't wait to enjoy our delectable cookies, even if they're straight from the freezer. Here are a few creative ways we love to enjoy our frozen cookies for an extra burst of warmth and flavor:

Thaw and Enjoy:

After storing in freezer, thaw cookies for at least 1 hour before enjoying!

thawing cookies on the counter

Microwave Magic:

Place 1-3 cookies on a microwave-safe plate.
Warm for 10 seconds from frozen.
Microwave while cooking

The Classic Bake:

From frozen, preheat toaster oven to 275*.
Place cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Bake 8-10 minutes or until warmed through.
Remove from oven.
Let rest for 2 minutes.
Toaster Oven with Cookies